Mop through the stubborn and notorious corners with top-end cleaning services

Unclean surfaces often are a breeding ground among germs and termites, let alone dirt, dust mites, bacteria, and others. Seemingly a small issue at first, unclean surfaces can have multifold effects - mind, body, overall well being - in the absence of proper attention and care.

However, today the importance of having clean and sanitized surfaces is pretty well-known, especially given our current battle with the Covid-19 pandemic, and both living and commercial spaces ensure to keep their premises clean. Cleaning and sanitizing take tremendous time, effort, and staff. Also, most companies do not have the expertise to install effective cleaning; this gave rise to the advent of industrial cleaning companies.

If you have moved to a new residential space or opened up an office of your own, you would need the services of cleaning professionals. If this is a novice concept to you, the following body of information will take you through the process of identifying the cleaning services.

Types of cleaning

For the longest time, cleaning and mopping were deemed low-end and menial. Latest equipment and technological innovations in the cleaning space have proven otherwise. Be it an office or a home, all of us to a certain extent, fancy luxurious and plush accessories for aesthetic appeal, such as carpets and upholstery; we also possess rugs and mats for safety.

Given the different corporate offices, interior designs, and work cultures, a whole new subcategory - office cleaning - is doing the rounds in the industrial cleaning space. If you are someone who is looking to clean up the entire office space or building, office cleaning services are correct for you. Everything from desks, cubicles, rugs, rags, upholstery, as well as janitorial services, need to be looked at; that is, an end-to-end or complete cleaning. The same principle is even applicable for houses, wherein furniture, rugs, mats, upholstery, and others make up the entire interior vibe of your living space. This is where affordable house cleaning services come to the rescue.

In a nutshell, you can look at part or specific cleaning or complete cleaning solutions. For some, cleaning their toilets and bathrooms might be a struggle, whereas, for others, it might be their upmarket upholstery.

Doing the DD (Due Diligence) of the prospective cleaners

Once you identify the appropriate type of cleaning, you then move on to the next step - that of due diligence. This is another crucial step as you are letting strangers into your living or office space. They too need to be instructed, watched, and supervised. 

In today’s technologically-driven world, carrying out independent due diligence is not that complex and perplexing. To verify the quality and reliability of the short-listed industrial cleaning companies, you should look at customer ratings and reviews. Secondly, probing questions such as employee background checks should be asked to the management of the cleaning company. Also important is finding out the safety measures the cleaning services company has in place to ensure minimal damage and losses. Lastly, if possible, one should also look at the safety of the cleaning agents or solutions used during the cleaning process.

Looking at the rates and charges sheet

There are a variety of methods that cleaning companies can use to arrive at rates. If you are seeking complete cleaning solutions for your home or office, then the standard variable rate could be based on the office area. A second rate, over and above, could be applicable based on the type of upholstery, for instance. So, the various methods are:



       a mix of fixed and variable rates

Another method is to fix charges on an hourly basis. So, before locking down on the affordable house cleaning services, make sure that the rates are cleared and agreed upon beforehand.


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